Psychological First Aid (PFA)
The thing that makes us the toughest sons a bitches in Special Forces is also what kills those with deep, life threatening, emotional wounds. Our fear of failure and bringing shame to ourselves and our Brothers finds those with fatal psychological wounds literally laying wounded in the kill zone while we offer to “Grab a Beer” with anyone who needs to talk. We must break the cycle and prepare ourselves to rush into the kill zone and provide desperately needed life saving psychological first aid until professional care is available.
What is PFA?
PFA was developed for aid workers to assist survivors of catastrophic events such as hurricanes, tornadoes and fires. The goal of PFA is to ground the survivor and assist them in gaining control of their emotions so they can assist them selves in their own recovery. We offer this information and training because members of our Board of Directors have used it when dealing with veterans who have voiced the desire to hurt themselves or take their own life. Listed below are the eight stages of Psychological First Aid. We have also listed a link to the online training. We need to stop the the needless death of our Special Forces Brothers. We can only do this by treating these emotional wounds like any other life threatening injury and rush to the aid of our Brothers in need and stop offering them beverages.
Pay particular attention to factors 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8
Click the logo to sign up for the PFA training Online. NOTE: This course in intensive, but will definitely prepare you for how to manage a veteran with thoughts of self harm.
Everyday leads to more loss of life that may have been prevented. By learning PFA your goal is similar to that of providing first aid on the battlefield. Assess the veteran's status without passing judgement, determine if they are in a safe lace both physically and emotionally and get them the assistance they need from qualified professionals.